Business & Entrepreneurship
Success in today's fast-paced world requires innovation, adaptability, and a deep understanding of global markets. At Holy Cross Preparatory Academy, our Business & Entrepreneurship Concentration equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead, create, and thrive in the business world. Through courses like Macroeconomics, Introduction to Business & Entrepreneurship, and Personal Finance, students gain hands-on experience in financial literacy, marketing, leadership, and problem-solving

AP Macroeconomics

AP European History

Intro. to Business & Entrepreneurship

Personal Finance/Money Management

DECA Program
Holy Cross Preparatory Academy is pleased to further our Business and Entrepreneurship programming with the addition of a school DECA chapter. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Participation in DECA programming allows our Lancers to gain practical skills and apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom by competing locally and nationally in various business-related challenges. Additionally, participation in DECA provides our students with opportunities to apply for scholarships to further their education.

Holy Cross Prep Academy is pleased to offer a robust Merit-Based Scholarship Program to reward the best and brightest eighth-grade students in the region who are ready to take their passion for robotics to the next level. We offer nine categorical opportunities within our Merit-Based Scholarship Program. If your eighth-grade student has applied their business and entrepreneurial skills within one of the nine categories, feel free to apply! Perhaps our Excellence in Leadership Award or Excellence in Community Service Award may be of interest for starting a grassroots nonprofit organization! Students enroll on scholarship and are presented the opportunity to maintain their scholarship annually.
Course Catalog
Our curriculum blends business principles, social sciences, and technology to prepare future entrepreneurs, executives, and industry leaders to make an impact in college, careers, and beyond. In addition to the featured courses above, Holy Cross Prep offers the following classes within our Business and Entrepreneurship Concentration to prepare our students: Environmental Science, Forensic Science, Computer Science Essentials, 3rd Year Language, African-American History, Statistics, and Communications & Media Studies.
Explore limitless courses within Business, Mathematics, and Social Studies in our course catalog. Holy Cross Preparatory Academy requires a minimum of 5 credits within Business, a minimum of 20 credits within Mathematics, and a minimum of 15 credits within Social Studies to graduate. Advanced Placement and Honors courses are also available, which provide students with a rigorous academic course of study. Students may earn college credits either by earning the appropriate AP exam score or, when available, through concurrent enrollment for college credit through Seton Hall University, the College Acceleration Program (CAP) through Rowan College at Burlington County, and/or our partnership with Holy Family University.